Followed by Darkness, Trailing the Light

Hey Guys! Some exciting, exciting news: This is the 50th article on this blog! I just want to let you all know that I'm eternally grateful for the support you've given me ever since I started this journey. The Writing Shrine has been through a lot, and it will continue to grow. I sincerely hope you'll stay with me to see that happen.
For the special occasion, I'm trying something new today: a story. Not a novel with plot twists and sequels, but a short one, just enough for this article. It is mostly meant to be conceptual more than an actual tale, so maybe put your interpretation of it in the comments below! I hope you enjoy!


She was followed by darkness, on a path to what she could only hope was safety. She didn't know when her journey began, and most definitely couldn't tell when it would end.
The ground below her feet was ashy like soot, and the air thick, making her wheeze. The sky was inky black, not a single cloud to be seen.
She would have liked it better if it had stars as well.
Around her was a blanket; a personal bubble of shadows, not letting her out of their sight. Her teeth chattered from the cold- or maybe it was fear. Every one of her hairs stood on their ends as she ran faster across the landscape, and despite the frigidness, sweat dripped off her chin.
Where am I?
How do I get out?
She didn't want any more of this. She wanted to be warm, in the sweet luxury of paradise.
Instead, the shade was chasing her down. Each and every thought of hers paralyzed, turning into a fractured crystal.
She didn't know how much longer she would last. Her mind was corrupted with anxiety, the shadows making her doubt her every move. Her soul was overwhelmed with inexplicable horror, piercing deeper through her veins.
This is it, she thought. The end had come.
At this rate, she'd never find the light. She'd be stuck in her bubble of gloom forever.
What made it worse: the radiance was just out of reach! She could almost grasp at it, but the shadows stopped her, sending a shock down her spine.
She laid down on the ashen floor, tears dripping down her cheeks, until she heard a voice.
Hey, it told her, Can't you deal with a little darkness? 
She bolted upright, startled. "Who said that?" she called out, her meek voice echoing.
No answer. The voice refused to surface again, ignoring her helpless pleas.
But the voice's cry hadn't gone in vain. She realized something: that the journey wasn't about reaching the light.
The more she resisted against the darkness, the tighter was its hold. She had to embrace it, just like how she'd do if it were light. Why was she ever scared of this?
The darkness just wanted to play, like the light. The only difference between the two was that they sang different melodies.
Armed with both light and shadows by her side, she was ready to face anything.
Fear no longer had a place in her heart.
Only determination.
From now on, she wouldn't trail after the light. She had grown, and learned that when the light didn't want to come, darkness served her needs. Neither was good in large quantities, and only bad fate would fall upon those who missed one.
Her wounds had healed, leaving behind only faint scars. She never heard from the voice again. Her soul hardened, now mature.
As the master of both elements, the entire world was at her command.

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