A Tribute to Mothers Everywhere

Today, May the twelfth, is Mother's Day; a time to appreciate all our lovely mothers did for us.
Let's face it, we put them through a lot: endless whining, ferocious tantrums, upsetting moods; and yet they only look at our good sides, and never abandon us in a time of need. They take in all we throw at them, whether it be boundless love or harsh words. They mentor us; shaping us to be the people we are. They urge us to take our place in society, mending us to be the best we can. When we do a good, they are the first to take pride; and when we fail, they are the first by our side. They make the ultimate sacrifices just for our wellbeing, and they always love us, even when we're at our worst. Best yet: yet do all this for nothing, not even a penny.
So let's dedicate today to our Mums. Let's do something for them to show our gratitude. It needn't be big; something little like helping around would do too. This year, I'm writing this article for my own mother. She's the strongest, most hard-working person I know, and I wouldn't give her up for the world. She urges me to fulfill my dreams, and stands by to help me with whatever I want to do. When I begin to work on something, she sits by me until I finish. She wakes up early in the morning, before the sun peeks or the rooster caws, and sleeps only when the moon is at its brightest. She bears all the problems I throw at her, and made me into the person that I am. She's seen my flaws, and never condemned me for them. She's the reason this blog came to existence.
And though I may not always show it, I'm thankful. I'm thankful she loves me, just as I love her.
What have you done this Mother's Day? Even if you don't celebrate it, there's always time to acknowledge all your Mum's done for you. She is the reason you are where you are, after all.
Happy Mother's Day!
~Love You Mum!
Mother'S Day, Love, Gratitude, Luck, Mother, Heart  


  1. Wow nice. This article was also read by my son Hrithik

  2. Very nice. Read many times. Heart touching.

  3. Nice Child u r
    Ur mom dad r great to get this wonderful child
    Hearty congratulations

  4. Really heart touching. This article shows how much u give respect to Ur parents from bottom of your heart.


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