Friendship Day!

Three days ago, on August the fourth, Friendship Day was celebrated in many countries. Friends were given joyous hugs, and for once we decide to be nice to our frenemies. But have we ever thought beyond exchanging bracelets, and what the true meaning of friendship really is?
As with everything else in this world, everyone perceives friendship differently. For some, a friend is someone they can confide in. To others, a friend is someone they can talk to, and so on. 
To me, a true friend always stays by your side in a time of need, is someone you can be open about everything to, and will never betray you, or take advantage of you. 
As you go through life, you'll meet all sorts of people, some who you'll like- and others not so much. You could make a hundred friends, but not all of these will be true ones. 
There are the friends you just know, nothing more or nothing less. You definitely wouldn't go revealing your deepest, darkest secrets to them. 
There are friends who you consider pretty close- bit still keep outside of your personal bubble. These are the friends you have most, and you find them wherever you go.
There are friends who you hold dear to your heart, but grow out of touch with over time. I still remember my best friend in second grade, who I've been wanting to catch up with for years. Sometimes you can't keep up with every friend you make, and that's perfectly fine. Life happens, and at times you get so caught up in its drama that it's pretty hard to focus on anything else.
Then there are the companions who change over time, until they aren't quite the person you first met. This is normal as well, because at some point in time, everybody goes through major personality development. You might think about how much your buddy changed, while they may wonder the same about you! Just because the two of you have different characters now doesn't mean you have to stop being friends. Take the time to work through your differences; it'll be something you won't regret.
Of course, there are also friends who aren't really friends at all. Not all friendships work out, and if you aren't comfortable with a person's company, then just avoid it. You shouldn't resort to this at first though, and must always try to work things out before you decide to back out. Don't force yourself into anything, and don't allow yourself to be pushed around.
Finally, there are true friends. The friend who never judged you, and always loved you for who you are. The friend you who keeps your most embarrassing truths, and in turn you guard theirs. The friend who spent hours in your company, not talking (or doing anything productive for that matter) but still understanding your every move. They're here to advise you, tease you; listen to your rants of epic proportions (*cough* fangirling *cough*); help you, hug you; shower you with love, give you space...
And no matter how much your personalities differ, you can always relate to them. You share no boundaries with them, and if you do, they are minuscule ones. Essentially, the two of you practically share a pair of brain cells (at least, in the case of my own best friend and I).
These friends are the hardest to find, like a needle in a haystack. And once you find the right place to look, don't let go. You'll only ever make a couple of true friends at most, and they'll mean the world to you.
They'll make the term best friend and understatement.
Whatever happens, be it a coffee stain or the zombie apocalypse, they'll be by your side.
And that level of friendship,
That hard-earned love and trust,
That's what really matters.

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