A Day at the Beach

Over the weekend, my family and I went to the beach, and I thought maybe I'd write an article about that. This is my first time writing personal experiences here- but don't worry! We'll be back to the usual conservational-cum-fandom based content next week. Also, feel free to give me some pointers in the comments below. and whether you would like more posts like this in the future. But for now, back to my day at the beach!
The day started with me in bed, grumbling about a test I was going to take in a few hours.
Yes, I had a test on Sunday.
No, I did not enjoy the idea of attending it.
But I had done well on a different test the day before, so I guess that motivated me to get ready at record speed. Soon I was out the door, completely oblivious to the chain of event that would happen later.
As I entered the venue building, my friend greeted me. She had a look of excitement on her face as we were two of the ten people there. We took advantage of the emptiness by...
Doing some last-minute studying.
Yes, not the most daring thing as I come to think of it, but hey- it gave us some confidence. Three hours later we were done with the exam, and being the studious people we were, we began predicting our scores and comparing answers. I was feeling pretty good with myself as I had done better than I thought I would.
After this, I headed to my grandmother's home, which was one of my favorite places to hangout. My grandmom is literally the best person in the world to me, I have two adorable cousins who live there and an amazing aunt who is astonishingly good at doing my hair. The only two downfalls were that there was no internet and sometimes those cousins tried to destroy me (Sometimes they succeed too). Because of the lack of Wifi, I spent a majority of my time there playing The Sims 4. While in the middle of making my Sims take a selfie, my grandma came in and told me we were going to the beach! I was really excited, as we didn't get to go to the beach that often. My aunt called me upstairs so she could intricately weave my hair into a style that was too complicated for a beach trip. It was as fun for her as it was for me; having no one else with long enough hair to do hairstyles with, she made sure to practice on me whenever I came over. I used this time to show off my Sim family to her, which was always a fun thing to do. After that, I changed into some more beach-appropriate clothes, and practically jumped into the car. I spent the long drive listening to my favorite music playlist, until the roads got bumpier, a sign we were approaching the shore.
As a lot of you probably know, I'm an Ocean Aspirant. I've pretty much dedicated my life to the ocean, and want to work towards ocean conservation as I grow older. That's also why I'm called AquaMagic, and why this blog is predominantly based on the sea. Going to the beach gives me a reminder of who I want to be. From time to time, you lose track of your goals, and that's fine. Seeing the waves thrash against the shore, and the sand prickle my feet always sets me back on my path, paving the way to the destiny I have planned for myself. Whenever I go to the beach, I make a promise to the Ocean.

I'm ready for whatever you throw my way.
I'll never forget who I am.
I'm always listening for your voice.
Just give me a sign and I'll be on my way.

As soon as I saw the horizon from the shore in the distance, there was no looking away. I went straight to the water, enjoying every speck of sea foam that gently grazed my skin. I gave the Ocean my gratitude, for giving me a reason to live for. 
As I looked out into the endless sea, I saw my future.
I saw my present.
I saw my past.
Every breath I took was one with the Ocean. The waves buried my feet with sand, the soft breeze made my hair fly everywhere. I couldn't hear anyone. I didn't care if I looked crazy; just staring out to sea with longing in my eyes. 
All I could see was the Ocean. The waves go up, down, up, down.
All I could hear was the Ocean. Shoosha-shoosha-shoosha-shoosh.
All I could feel was the Ocean. Our heartbeats in synch- thump. Thump. Thump.
I tried to clear my mind, make it a blank canvas for the Ocean to paint on. I heard its call, slow and steady, soft and melodious, pulling me deeper into the water. And before I knew it, it was time to go. The rest of the day, consisting of dinner and a quick goodbye, went in a flash.
Though the same thoughts resonate in my head.
The Ocean is who I am.
The Ocean is who I am.
It's who I was.
It's who I will be.
Who I am.

sand, island, beach, summer, ocean, sky, sea, coast, landscape


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