Mystreet: When Angels Fall

Quite recently, I have been looking into a Minecraft roleplay on the internet called Mystreet. It is created by Aphmau, a Youtuber, and its series finale was released yesterday. That final episode just had to be the most heart-wrenching thing I have ever seen, so of course I had to write a post about it. All the characters mentioned belong to the creator, Aphmau (Jessica Bravura).

Mystreet revolves around the lead protagonist Aphmau; it starts off with her moving into a new home with her friends and then morphs into something completely different. The series has six seasons in total, and with each season the plot thickens. Things start getting serious in Mystreet: The Emerald Secret, which is the fourth season. After that, the series changes from a comedy into a full-fledged drama. The transition of genres was carried out in such a smooth manner you could barely see it coming.
And once the plot got you hooked, there was no way out. The characters have such deep personalities, carefully laid out so you loved the protagonists with all your heart and despised the villains from the pits of your soul. Mystreet inspired me in so many ways, one being the storyline. Whether considering the initial seasons or the final ones, the story merges magic with real life. Werewolves and Meif'wa weren't unusual, they were just another part of society. I admire this a lot, because magic is very important to me. Seeing Lucinda do magicks, and Ghost do rituals opens my mind on levels I'd never thought of before. It makes me wonder what it would be like if society as we know it was like that too. Everything was just so natural, it made me certain that a world like that does exist.
Secondly, I love the concept of realms introduced in the plot. I actually thought of a concept very similar to the one depicted years before I even discovered Mystreet even existed! When I watched the series, it blew my mind that another individual made an entire story revolve around these realms. Think about it: a lot of stories have this concept in them, and if so many people can develop these ideas, they could actually exist!
What if every story ever made was real, but in a different world?
What if the Irene Dimension, or the Void, or even Mystreet existed somewhere out there?
The thought of the characters I know and love actually going through the events depicted in the show make everything so much more real.
Finally, Mystreet inspired me because of the content creator herself. Aphmau (Jess) is a very motivating person, and it was her Youtube channel that inspired me to start this blog. With every video of hers I watched I wondered why I couldn't do the same with my own ideas.
I knew photography and editing was not my field, so I stuck to what I was best at: writing!
And so the journey began. I would always follow her advice when it came to any content I post; I collect all the tips she gives in her videos and use them for my own blog. She inspires me beyond words, and I know I'll never stop watching her channel.
So to conclude this post, I wanted to thank Aphmau, and the whole crew, for making so many undiscovered possibilities possible. It isn't easy to create daily-updated content and I wanted to acknowledge the dedication the team puts into it.
Thank you for doing what you do, and giving my mind places it never thought it could go.

Image result for mystreet

Image Credits:
Characters by Aphmau (Jessica Bravura):


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