Open Ocean

All around you is water. It dances in the sunlight, little bubbles dazzling as they reflect the rays of brightness into the stillness that surrounds you. The ocean is a pure shade of blue, completely silent other than the faint sound of waves thrashing in the distance. A current of plankton gently swooshes by, like a faint breeze that tickles your skin. Admiring the tiny creatures, you hardly notice a giant shadow behind you: the whale shark.
This massive fish does not harm you at all, in fact, it doesn't retaliate when you swim closer, petting its smooth back, your fingers gracing over the large white spots that made up its skin. Whale sharks thrive on the plankton floating by, their bristled mouths filtering out anything too big for its taste.
A great white shark swims by, majestically making its way, and not to mention looking very regal. Remoras follow it, tagging along for food, protection and a ride.
A pod of dolphins shatter the silence with their high-pitched squeals of delight, playing catch with sponges and chasing the occasional unlucky fish. They are bundles of joy, like a blur in the sea as the whoosh right past.
Below and above you see rays: on the seafloor, a stingray buried in the sand, awaiting its next victim, and above, a manta ray, flapping its wings gracefully like the birds of the sea. It casts its shadow on the gilded sand below, stirring its cousin from underneath.
A shoal of sardines enchant their surroundings, almost mocking the sharks and dolphins as though to say: You can't catch me! Their silver scales reflect off almost anything, so when they swim in their uniform, intricate patterns, it seems like they are a disco ball, lighting the scenery up for a party.
This is the open ocean: no reefs, no depths, no battles for survival; just emptiness.
Emptiness that brings forth serenity.
Serenity that calms one's soul.

manta manta ray ray ocean sea underwater fish marine diving scuba coral reef maldives stingray

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