KOTLC Character Analysis: Sophie Foster

In this Character Analysis Series, I'll be analyzing the characters of my favorite book series: Keeper of the Lost Cities! We'll look at traits they possess, and how we can learn from them. All the characters mentioned below are created by and belong to Shannon Messenger, the author. This post is about Sophie Foster.

Sophie Foster is the main protagonist of Keeper of the Lost Cities. She was raised by humans before Fitz Vacker, another character, told her she was an elf. She was then whisked away to the Elvin world, where she discovered she was a part of a greater cause: The Black Swan. Ever since she manifested several Elvin abilities; as of now she has five: Telepath, Polygot, Inflictor, Teleporter and Enhancer.
Sophie doesn't like to draw attention to herself. When living with her human family, she would go out of her way to stay unnoticed, after all, she was a twelve-year-old high school senior with photographic memory. Even after moving to the Lost Cities, she didn't like to be distinguished from others. This was especially difficult as she was the only elf with brown eyes (others' were blue) and the only elf raised by humans. Later she learned to accept her differences and embrace who she was. In this way, Sophie inspires us to be ourselves, despite how hard it may be.
Sophie Foster is also highly protective of her friends. She goes to limitless lengths to prove she would do anything for them. She faces gruesome pain, makes game-changing sacrifices, and stepped out of her comfort zone all for the safety of her friends and family. In return, her companions always have her back, and go to the same lengths to prove their loyalty to her. We can infer from this that we'll always have true friends with us, no matter what; and that others will treat us the same way we treat them.
Sophie has made some rash decisions throughout the books, and the outcomes have been both good and bad. She takes lots of risks, and teaches us that sometimes they can be a good thing. She also emphasizes that we must always own up to our actions, whether they result in praise or punishment.
On a more casual note, Sophie tends to be oblivious to things that are right in front of her. She underestimates of highly people think of her, and often dismisses the admiration others show towards her.
Sophie Foster is the most strong-willed character in the series. Despite all the obstacles thrown her way, she refuses to give up, and will stop at no ends to achieve her goals.


Image Credits: https://shannonmessenger.com/keeper-of-lost-cities/keeper-art-galleries.html
Illustrated by Laura Hollingsworth: https://www.laurahollingsworth.com/
Character made by Shannon Messenger: https://shannonmessenger.com/


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