Finding Inspiration

One annoying downfall that comes along with the writer's block is a lack of inspiration. Even when you feel like you can write again, you have absolutely no idea what to write about. You try writing prompts, but they don't work. You try going into deep thought, but when you're presented with a paper, your mind goes blank. You know you need to find ideas, and fast.
The solutions to finding inspiration are similar to curing the writer's block. In fact, the chances of you achieving this whilst banishing the block are quite high. Though in the circumstance that you don't, it's always good to have a backup plan.
Try reading a book; one that you look up to, not only in content, but also writing style. It is needless to say that you should never try to imitate another's style, because it makes you unique. It is like your signature, as every artist has a different method. So when it comes to writing, let your creative juices flow. You can always look up to one's way of writing, but when you do it yourself, unleash your personality onto the page. The content will be so much better than petty plagiarism.
Try going outside. If you are an outside-y person, this is apt. You can take a stroll to the park, or a jog on the running trail. If you prefer staying inside instead, there is nothing with escaping the confines of your room once in a while. Even sitting in the deck counts- as long as you're not puffy eyed, staring at a screen. When I'm outside, I sometimes get a sudden wave of ideas. I use a lot of these as little daydreams, or even posts for this blog!
Keep your mind open all the time. Sometimes, thoughts just come to you when you least expect it. For example, I get ideas when I'm brushing my hair or taking a shower!
Another great time to find inspiration is right before you sleep; all tucked in bed. I find my thoughts leading me places I'd never go with an awake mind. Once I tried brainstorming post ideas minutes before I fell asleep, and to my surprise, I had a month's worth of ideas the next day!
Whatever you choose to do, make sure it's something you love. There's no point in searching for inspiration in places you know you won't find any. And when you find inspiration, it doesn't have to be for just writing- it can be for art, music, and so much more too!
Only one question remains- what are YOU going to do next?

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